Improving Traffic Flow In And Out of the Community
Improving transportation in and out of the community for residents, neighbors and visitors is an important aspect of the final phase of development at Overlook Ridge.
The changes under consideration will relieve chronic traffic congestion and improve safety for the public and for pedestrians.
The proposed scope of work includes construction of new on- and off-ramps from Route 1 North, reconstruction and realignment of Overlook Ridge Drive & Salem Street, drainage, street lighting, ADA-compliant sidewalks and crossings, and the removal of inadequate, existing highway infrastructure. These Complete Streets compliant improvements are currently at a 25% design stage and have undergone several rounds of environmental review dating back to 1999.
The two cities and the private development team are working closely with MassDOT to advance design and permitting.
The scope of these improvements will be coordinated with MassDOT's add-a-lane project along this segment of Route 1 from two lanes in each direction to three lanes in each direction. The two projects will significantly improve regional traffic flow and multi-modal safety on one of MassDOT’s busiest highways in Malden, Saugus and Revere, simultaneously unlocking immediate growth at Overlook Ridge and additional longer-term growth goals of the area communities, MetroNorth region and the Commonwealth.